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Oscar 2018

In a month we will find out the names of best of the best in the movie industry in 2018. Again this year, Russian movie is included in the nominations for Oscar in The Best Foreign Film category.

Directed by a famous Russian director Andrey Zvyagintsev the movie tells a story of a couple that is going through a tough divorce and cannot find a place for their son in their new lives.

Interestingly enough, the name of the movie in Russian presented a challenge for translators, according to Andrey Zvyagintsev. Russian word "нелюбовь" is not just an absence of love. It is also total dislike, disaffection towards someone, total lack of interest in someone's life. Нелюбовь is a noun but translated using an adjective.

Zvyagintsev's movies are dramas. They tell difficult stories about people, relationship, choices and consequences. A serious dose of Russian reality makes them a bit dark. I watched just three out of five of his full-length movies and loved them all.

"Loveless" is the second Oscar nomination for Zvyagintsev. I hope this time he will get it.

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