Happy New Year!
A note on a Russian holiday tradition A few days before year's end or on the eve of New Year, Russians often call their friends and...

"February 24 marked the end of Russia as we knew it."
I haven't been updating my site's blog for a long time. It's needless to say that 2022 was a difficult year for Ukraine but also for many...

Holiday Gifts from Russia
Some gift ideas from the Russian store in New York. You can find more traditional Russian goods on their website. St-Petersburg...

Word of the Day
Детская площадка - playground Red indicates a stressed vowel. Some reading rules to keep in mind: тс is pronounced like Ц о- unstressed O...

Константин Райкин на карантине...
Знаменитый росскийский актёр Константин Райкин готовит новый моноспектакль по сказкам А. С. Пушкина. Театр "Сатирикон" выложил в Youtube...

How do you say Happy Easter in Russian?
How do you say Happy Easter in Russian? In 2023, Orthodox Easter falls on April 16th. Поздравляем всех со светлым праздником Пасхи!...

Working from home during COVID-19 outbreak - how you do it if you are a ballet dancer?
Many of us are lucky to have an opportunity to work from home during Coronavirus outbreak. But many simply can't bring their work home. ...

С Новым годом!
Dear Friends! Happy New Year! May 2019 be filled with joy, fantastic memories and dreams that came true. Be healthy and happy!...

Русские народные традиции
Некоторые русские народные традиции, связанные с детьми и жильём Когда в семье рождался ребёнок, то сначала в колыбель клали кота и...

I have recently visited Barnes & Nobles in Prudential and spotted these two cookbooks. They could be a nice holiday gift. Added them to...