This day in history: Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)
April 22 is a birthday of Vladimir Lenin. 2017 marked 100th anniversary of October Revolution in Russia led by Lenin. Lenin's legacy...

Russian Language in Space
Do you know that most astronauts speak Russian? There are 2 official languages on the International Space Station - Russian and English....

Travel plans: Russia
I am not sure how to select the places to see before you die. There are many lists, and I even have a special edition of Life magazine on...
Тотальный диктант
14 апреля будет проходить международная акция Тотальный диктант. Бостон участвует в акции. https://totaldict.ru/boston/?city=276 Контакт...

День космонавтики
April 12th is an International Day of Human Space Flight. April 12 1961 started a new era in space exploration programs. Read about the...

Oscar 2018
In a month we will find out the names of best of the best in the movie industry in 2018. Again this year, Russian movie is included in...

January 22 is 120th birthday of Sergei Eisenstein
Out of all forms of arts, cinema is the most important to us. Vladimir Lenin Famous Russian film director and innovator was born this day...
Стихи для малышей Лианы Викуловой
Лиана Викулова. Читаем детям. Wonderful poems in Russian for little ones by Liana Vikulova. Liana Vikulova lives in St Petersburg,...

How do you say it in Russian?
Comments: Underlined letter is stressed. Ending -ю is for singular. Ending -ем is for plural. Play Audio Happy New Year! Поздравляю с...

Russian Food for the Holiday Table
In this post, I'd like to share 2 websites that offer delicious recipes from Russian cuisine. Both sites are great resources if you want...